Middle Tennessee is home to over 30,000 Muslims; most have come to the United States from war-torn countries seeking a safe place to live and raise their families. Our teams of staff and volunteers work each day to help our new neighbors to learn English, find jobs, and to adjust to life in America.

What do we do?

Women’s English Classes

We are currently offering online  and in person English classes for women throughout the Metro Nashville school year. In person classes are Monday and Wednesday mornings from 10:30am-12:00. Volunteers commit to training and 1 class session a week (roughly 2-3 hours including prep). Apply and ask questions about where we are at now, HERE. We regularly need volunteers to help with teaching, assisting, and childcare. The commitment is usually one semester. Training is provided. Apply below!

We also need a couple of dedicated volunteers on Monday and Wednesday mornings in Nashville. One to run the childcare portion of our ESL classes and the other to coordinate transportation for as many of the ladies as we can! Feel free to email colleen@servantgroup.org if you have questions about these roles!

Sew For Hope

Refugee and immigrant women come to an intensive once a week sewing training class where they learn sewing and business skills as well as build community, connections, and friendships. Beginning classes are held Tuesday through Thursday mornings, and advanced classes on Wednesday afternoons in Southern Nashville.  Registration begins before the beginning of each semester.

Apply and get more info about volunteering HERE. There are many roles and ways you can help!

To be a student in the class you can fill out the form HERE.

To donate sewing items or materials, here are some instructions!

Man to Man

There are in person men’s classes running on Saturday afternoons in North Nashville. Most men’s English classes are scheduled one on one to fit around the refugee work schedules. Training and mentorship are provided! Apply below!

Walk and Talk in the Park!

South Nashville is home to many refugee women who would love the chance to get out and exercise, practice their English, and make a new friend.

Grab your walking shoes and join us Saturday mornings at the park for Walk & Talk.

Opportunities for exercise and fellowship are very limited for these ladies, so plan to join us and help make a difference in the lives of our newest neighbors.

Learn more, see the next dates, and register HERE

Education and Training Courses

We also offer more personal training on how to share hope with your neighbors. Based on Luke 10, we provide three practical 1.5 hour sessions that will equip you to search for and find those who are hungry and engage them in learning about the Bible. Sign up in the form below (click Training and Education) to learn more and to schedule times for you or your group.

Other Services

Occasionally we offer other support services to our friends as needs arrive, like driving them to medical appointments or helping them fill out paperwork and applications. If this is something you specifically would like to help with, let us know!

Fill out my online form.

Recent Updates from Nashville

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Lying out of Love

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Something is Missing in America

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Serving Afghan Refugees In Nashville

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